By Norine Dworkin-McDaniel

I was in college when an older man asked me out. We went to a concert (nice). Then back to his place (predictable). By morning, I knew the relationship was a non-starter.
But his attention was flattering, and I was between boyfriends. Before I knew it, my one-night event turned into a year-long relationship. He even talked of marriage.
Right then, I should have cut and run. But I’d grown used to his loud, obnoxious behavior. And at least I had a date on Saturday nights.
I didn’t get my complacent butt out of there until he raised his hand to smack me during a disagreement. Though his hand never connected with me, that near-slap was just the push I needed.
Any sign of abuse (physical or emotional) is an obvious deal-breaker. And the same goes for addictions of any stripe (drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, porn). But even without such problems, we often find ourselves spinning our wheels in dead-end relationships. Why do smart women make such foolish choices? more

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By Rob Clarke
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It's a great day! ID is now on the 3O day system!!! We have made the switch to the 3O day billing cycle. That means that every person you bring in will pay you every 3O days. Your income potential is now tripled. Auto-Draft Only The other major modification is that we used to give a choice to pay manually every 3O days or go on auto draft. We felt that due
to the speed at which the program moves, it is imperative to only have auto draft. To forget to pay or thing you are on auto draft but on manual can cause you to lose all your efforts due to rollup of your members and we don't want that to happen... Read more
DOUBLE your sales and profits while spending the same amount in advertising
By John Paul Raygoza
If you can DOUBLE your sales and pro-fits while spending the same amount in advertising would you be interested? The secret is tracking and testing your website. Let me give you an example... One of my website was doing a decent job of converting people to buy a $67 product at 1%. I was sending about 10,000 people per week to this site so I made $6,700 with 100 sales.
Not too bad, but I was also paying about $3,000 for advertising and I wanted to maximize my results. So I did a little testing, I changed my headline while leaving everything else on the page the same...and I INSTANTLY doubled my earnings!
Instead of a 1% conversion, I now got a 1.9% conversion! About 190 sales, giving me $12,730! But I went even further... I went ahead and kept that headline, but changed my offer to include three fr'ee bonuses and increased conversion to 2.6% ($17,420)
And keep in mind this is getting the same amount of traffic while spending the same amount of mo-ney to advertise the product! That's why if you want a long term business you MUST track which ad source is giving you most clicks, actions, and sales. Track which format your site gives you more bang for your buck. Test which headline or offer converts your visitors into buying customers.
Once you've optimized your site to convert at the highest rate, not only can you cut your advertising cost significantly, but may even make pro-fits up to ten times (or more) of what you are currently making! If you haven't already, START TRACKING!

Terminator Salvation is a 2009 American science fiction post-apocalyptic war film released on May 21, 2009 in the United States, June 3, 2009 in the UK, and June 4, 2009 in Australia. Directed by Joseph "McG" McGinty Nichol, it is the fourth film in the Terminator series and stars Christian Bale as John Connor, before becoming leader of the Resistance, and Sam Worthington as Marcus Wright, a cyborg who believes he is human. It also introduces a young version of the first film's hero, Kyle Reese, played by Anton Yelchin, and depicts the origins of the T-800 Model 101 Terminator, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Roland Kickinger. Being both a sequel and a prequel to the previous films, Salvation, set in 2018, focuses on the war between humanity and Skynet. It abandons the time travel element of previous entries in the series, which centered on Terminators and other characters traveling through time to either kill or protect John Connor before the events of Judgment Day unfold.
The movie story Set in post-apocalyptic 2018, John Connor is the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators. But the future Connor was raised to believe in is altered in part by the appearance of Marcus Wright, a stranger whose last memory is of being on death row. Connor must decide whether Marcus has been sent from the future, or rescued from the past. As Skynet prepares its final onslaught, Connor and Marcus both embark on an odyssey that takes them into the heart of Skynet’s operations, where they uncover the terrible secret behind the possible annihilation of mankind.
Watch movie online click here
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By Muhammad Imam S
Pada kesempatan saat ini saya ingin sharing mengenai berpenghasilan dari Apakah teman-teman pernah membayangkan jualan barang dimana pembelinya atau pasarnya dari luar negeri??? Khususnya orang amerika??? Mungkin yang terbayang adalah.... Apakah mungkin hal itu kita lakukan? Bagaimana yach caranya? Tentu sulit yach? Sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit kok. Jika kita jualan di Internet. Itulah gunanya internet. Dan potensinya besar sekali disamping hasilnya juga bukan Rupiah tetapi Dollar.
Perlu diketahui dulu, Amazon itu adalah semacam toko yang menjual barang (sangat banyak jenis barang yang dijual) yang jualan di internet. Kita bisa mendaftar sebagai Associate dari Amazon dan menjual barang yang ada di Amazon melalui internet pula. Jadi kita tidak perlu punya toko secara fisik, tetapi barang yang dijual tetap berupa barang sesungguhnya (fisik), misalnya TV, Komputer, Buku dll.
Cara menjualnya pun bisa melalui macam-macam cara. Namun yang perlu diingat, apapun jualan kita, baik di dunia online ataupun dunia offline, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah masalah
permintaan dan persediaan. Maksudnya, kita harus mencari barang yang banyak pencarinya/ peminatnya tetapi sedikit penjual/penyedianya.
Disitu seninya... Sisanya adalah kerja keras dan doa kita tentunya. Lalu selanjutnya Dollar mengalir ke rekening kita :) Cara mencari uang melalui Amazon ini sebenarnya bisa kita coba-coba sendiri, namun tentu hasilnya juga trial & error juga alias belum tentu hasilnya.
Ada cara singkat dan terarah yang bisa kita lakukan untuk memotong waktu belajar kita, yaitu belajar dari yang sudah berhasil. Itu yang biasa saya lakukan. Kalau teman-teman serius untuk mulai mendulang Dollar dari TANPA MENGGUNAKAN iklan berbayar, mungkin informasi ini dapat membantu.
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